Pumpkin & Clementine Soup

Soup prepared with pumpkin chunks and blended along with clementine juice & low fat cream, this soup tastes little bit sour but the mild sweetness of the pumpkin suits prefectly along with the sourness of this clementines, usually clementines tastes too sweet, but this time the clementines which i bought from my farmer's market, tastes really too sour and they were completely inconsumable..I was planning to make out soup with those sour clementines and pumpkins both this unique mariage between pumpkin and clementines works out marvellous, we enjoyed having this mild orange colour soup for our dinner.A clementine is the hesperidium of a variety of mandarin orange.The exterior is a deep orange colour with a smooth, glossy appearance. Clementines separate easily into seven to fourteen juicy segments. They are very easy to peel, like a tangerine, but are almost always seedless. Clementines are also known as seedless tangerines...Purchased fresh, they should be a shiny, bright orange color. The fruit should be firm, yet give a slight indentation when squeezed.t's a great nutritional source of Vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium....Imported from Spain, this delicious fruit is now available from November to March...This soup is going directly to Nithu's Think Beyond The Usual-Fruits...
- 3cups Pumpkin chunks
- 1nos Onions (chopped)
- 2cups Vegetable broth
- 1inch Ginger(piece)
- 1no Cinnamon stick
- 1/4cup Cream (low fat)
- 1tbsp Olive oil
- Salt
- 3nos Clementines
Peel the zest from a clementine as a large strips and keep aside...Juice all the clementines to make about half a cup of juice..refrigerate the juice..
Heat the oil and saute the onions until they turns transculent, add the pumpkin chunks and cook everything for a while..add the vegetable broth,meanwhile in a cheese cloth, place the ginger, cinnamon stick and the clementine zest, tie it tightly and add to the cooking veggies...close the lid and cook the veggies for few minutes until they turns soft..remove the cheesecloth and using a hand blender puree the soup along with the clementine juice, finally add the cream and stir everything well..
Serve immediately with toasted breads..
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