Japanese Cabbage Pancake

Japanese cabbage pancake is great for quick brunch or for snack..This version of cabbage pancake is one of the simplified version of okonomiyaki which need lots of more ingredients but this simple japanese cabbage pancake tastes awesome prepared with easy and simple ingredients.. This cabbage pancakes goes awesome with simple salad and its really very quick to make..U can also add more ingredients like mushrooms, green onions, bellpeppers or carrot for making out this easy breezy pancakes,also have many variations for non vegetarian lovers u can add prawns, diced cooked chicken, bacon etc to make out this non vegetarian version of this pancake...Just mix all the ingredients and cook in a frying pan in simmer flame until the both sides get cooked...This delicious cabbage pancake goes to my own Pancakes Event..
- 1cup Cabbage (shredded)
- 4nos Eggs
- 3tbsp Cornstarch/cornflour
- 2tbsp Water
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oil
Whisk the eggs with cornstarch, water with salt and pepper powder..mix the shredded cabbage to the whisked eggs..Heat enough oil in a frying pan, pour this mixture to the frying pan, cook in simmer with lid closed..flip the pancake with a plate and cook the other side of the pancake until golden brown..Cut as per need and serve along with ketchup if needed...
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