Fenugreek Tea

Are you surprised to read the name of this post???may be but am not coz this fenugreek tea has been prepared since quite a long here at home, this fenugreek tea have numerous healthy benefits and also good for health, u can prepare this fenugreek tea either by soaking the fenugreek seeds or by boiling the fenugreek seeds in water..Rich in vitamins and minerals, this tea helps in increasing the supply of milk in nursing mothers and nourishes the baby also.Fenugreek tea is very beneficial for type-2 diabetic patients.It helps in reducing hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms.
Fenugreek seeds are very effective in curing a disease called beri beri, caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B.It helps in inducing and easing labor in pregnant women.Fenugreek tea cleans kidneys and intestines and minimizes the risk of heart attacks.It reduces the level of cholesterol and blood sugar.Since fenugreek tea suppresses appetite, it is effective in weight loss.The tea is consumed to get relief from constipation, indigestion and muscle pains. I prepared this tea just by boiling the fenugreek seeds and enjoyed them warn,never use the grounded fenugreek seeds for making this tea..Sending to Think Spice-Think Fenugreek guest hosted by Priya, event by Sunita...
- 1tbsp Fenugreek seeds
- 1cup Water
Bring the water to boil, add the fenugreek seeds and boil them for 5 minutes..remove from the heat, let them sit for again for 10-15minutes..pour this fenugreek tea through a strainer to remove the seeds, drink immediately or stor in fridge to drink later, u can drink either sweetened or unsweetened, but i'll advice to drink them as unsweetened tea either chilled or warm...
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