Sweets in Bengal is generally made by milk productes like Chenna (cottage cheese) or Khoa (reduced solified milk) with a little addition of flour or any other ingredient.Pantua is a sweet dish from Bengal, made with chenna (paneer). This is very similar to roshgolla but deep fried.
This disaster because of extra flour Ihave aded and I didn't knead the chenna well.
so main point is knead the chenna well in to a smooth paste (don't add water if you add water then you have to add more flour. more flour will give a result of hard texture.)
place chenna on a flat surface and knead it with your palm.
Fallow the recipe and use the flour how much given in the recipe more flour will give a result of hard balls and they may blast.
If you add less flour cheese balls may become oily or they may split in the oil at
frying time. So be carefull don't fear
I tried 3 times 3 rd time I got the right texture and taste .
Trust me and give a try to this delicious Bengali sweet PANTUA
- Milk -- 1 liter
- Lemon juice -- 1 tab sp
2.Remove from heat and let it sit for 10 minutes then strain from a muslin cloth and hang this for few hours to remove all the water from paneer.
After this you channa is ready.
For filling:
- Khoya --3/4 cup
- Raisins -- hand full
- Mix khoya and raisins and leave a side. If you don't like to fill with khoya the leave it and can use only raisin to stuff the cheese balls.
- Chenna (paneer,cottage cheese) -- made from 1 liter milk
- Ghee -- 1tea sp
- Flour (plain flour,all purpose flour, maida) -- 1& 1/2 tab sp
- Baking Soda -- a pinch
2.Now divide this dough in to equal portions and make smooth balls.
3. Make a cup shape with this cheese ball and stuff with khoya and raisin mixture and close from all sides and form in to a smooth ball again.
For Sugar Syrup:--
- Sugar -- 1 & 1/2 cup
- Milk -- 1 tab sp
- Cardamom powder -- 1 tea sp
1. Add 1 cup water and 1&1/2 cup sugar to a thick bottom pan let the sugar dissolve well and add 1 tab sp milk let it boil for a while bythe the time all the dirt comes to the suface,remove from heat and strain the syrup.
2. Again pour the syrup in the vessel and bring to boil and let it boil till you get a sticky syrup.Keep the syrup warm.
3. Heat Ghee in a deep frying pan keep the flame low and drop the cheese balls slowly and fry the balls in a low flame till nice golden color.
4. While frying stir the oil with a slotted spoon but not touch the balls,keep swirling the oil with out tossing or turning the chenna balls.
5. when they turn in to golden remove from the ghee. Drain well to remove the extra ghee.
6. Immerse the fried chenna balls in warm sugar syrup.
7.Allow them to soak at least for 1 hour.
Enjoy the Pantua's
This delicious Pantua's are on the way to Padmaja's celebrate sweets - bengali event by Nivedita
via Plantain leaf
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